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NIAAA Presentation Highlights February Meeting

By Rick Hendrickson, 01/25/14, 3:30PM EST


Dr. David Hoch leads leadership training 'Current Issues In American Sports'

Germantown Academy will serve as the host school for the upcoming PAISAA Business Meeting and professional development opportunity: LTC 710-A Athletic Administration: Current Issues in American Sports.

Dr. David Hoch will lead small-group discussions of important issues and effective response strategies for 3 topics on contemporary issues: (1) How to avoid Athletic Director Burnout, (2) Dealing with Challenging/Difficult Parents, and (3) Ethics in Sports. Participants will have an opportunity to participate in the discussion. The instructional format of the course will consist of lecture, seminar discussion and audience interaction.

Leadership Training Courses like this one are part of the NIAAA Certification Program, a professional service to athletic administrators based on the premises of continuing education, professional growth and program development in the vocation of interscholastic athletic administration.

For full details, including how to register for the event, download the following flyer.